Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD), had organized an event on Food Safety Act – 2006 on 3rd May 2014, at CSD office premises. As part of this event a demo was also organized to enlighten citizens, on simple ways to find adulteration in various kinds foods we use on day to day basis, like Sweets, Milk, vegetables, fruits, oils and other items like pepper, turmeric etc.

Dr. Ravindra, Chairman of CSD has delivered introductory speech, on Food Safety Act. Mr. Ramamurthy – Retired Sr. Food Inspector has explained about Food Safety Act, citizen’s responsibilities and what citizens should know about it. & Mr. Iqbal – Retired Bio Chemist, has demonstrated how to find adulterations in various kinds of foods we use. Mr. Iqbal also demonstrated on safe & simple cleaning methods to clean vegetables, before using them.